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2010 Jiangsu Satellite TV launched a long-awaited large-scale marriage dating program "You Are the One", the program has aired a social concern. For a time a variety of voices and Da, to criticize it for making false show, kitsch worship money, propaganda is not correct values, but also support it dare to tell the truth, reflecting the true face of society.Although "You Are the One" there are some negative voices, but from the perspective of film and television art, it is a file of good TV columns, it follows the law of the creation of film and television art, will have high ratings. Since the teacher played a set of "You Are the One", I began to pay attention to this type of television programs. Since the January 15 premiere, "You Are the One" will be flush the river north and south, and make all petitors have followed suit and launched similar programs, such as Hunan Mango Taiwan "we date it," Zhejiang TV's "Love ForwardRed ", and now the petition can be described as white-hot stage, however," You Are the One "still oupy the position of the leader, which is why? Here are some of my personal views on this phenomenon.

First of all, I think that is the host of the different styles. We all know that such as "You Are the One" and "we dating it," these TV show is a reality show, in which such real people and events is the protagonist to attract the audience, but also precisely those real From the life but different things with the daily life, and the role of the program host, I think it is a guide, to guide us to understand these people and things. There is no doubt, Ho Kyung in the "Happy Camp" by the aumulation of popularity and fun funny skills are unrivaled, which is "we dating it," adding an important Aspect, a lot of the audience to see this program is to See Ho Kyung's performance. And pared with Ho Kyung, Fei Meng's entertainment nature of the sent far too far, and we all know that Fei Meng is doing television news programs well-known in the program on a serious, it is a matter of course. However, why in this highly entertaining program, He Jiong will lose to Meng Fei it? I think, perhaps He Jiong's personal charm is too strong, and his performance is too eye-catching, and this has pletely overshadowed all the guests, people look at this program, in fact, see only him, and for such a reality show , He has "overwhelming" the. Meng Fei, who played well as a teller or a bystander, shifted the attention of the audience to the guests, which allowed the audience to see and hear More Updates Unuspicious things. It is said that in the "You Are the One" on the female guests in the number of fans has more than Meng Fei's, and this is not a good thing or a bad thing

Secondly, I think the difference is the quality of the guests selected. Now, you may not have seen "You Are the One", but you can not never heard of "worships the golden woman" Mano, "the rich second generation" Liu Yunchao, Ma Mai, Xie Jia and other recent work Reds and their Some tired of the classic quotations, some people say that these people are "You Are the One" made popular, but I think they put "You Are the One" sent to the throne of the first ratings. And like "we dating bar", I have not heard of which a guest is more prominent. Although, "we dating it," in addition to female election men, and sometimes engage in male and female, and other different rules, on the innovation of this point of view,

This is very good, but its effect is not ideal, but as "You Are the One" I think her way and rules, as well as the program flow, has reached a mature stage, and this will not give The audience what the novelty, but also temporarily will not let the audience resentment, its future improvement is necessary, but its way of choice, this is an impact on the development of the unknown.


From the beginning of 2010, blind date class program as mushroomed, Jiangsu TV's "You Are the One" is one of the best of these programs. It is the most intimate program in the ratings, the most popular, but also caused the greatest repercussions of the program. Since the "You Are the One" launch, the controversy from all walks of life continue to have a strong touted praise, but also strongly criticized the ausations. But we can not deny that "You Are the One" entertainment such blind date program, does give our audience a lot of laughter, but also led to some of our thinking.

In order to make the program well-known, the program invited to be "China's excellent TV host," the title of Meng Fei as moderator, and hired Lu Jia and Huang Han as a guest teacher. Le Jia is the founder of the Chinese character color research center, and another guest teacher Huang Han is a doctor of social psychology, Jiangsu Province, vice president of social psychology. With two heavyweight critics and guests to participate in the beautiful shape, fashionable dressed and bold and bold speech of several Aspect, "You Are the One" ratings greatly increased, once more than Hunan TV's "Happy Camp" boarded the Mainland ratings champion Of the throne.

As a file intimate program, we understand that "You Are the One" does broadcast very suessful. But this suess is probably only in terms of program ratings in terms of it. I think "You Are the One" as a stall show, it is neither one week Li show the kind of satire and humor, but also not very good knowledge of this program and content. Once a program is launched, it should highlight its uniqueness. Perhaps the purpose of the program at the beginning of the contract is relatively simple, just for unmarried men and women to provide a blind date platform, but with its ratings increased, the initial purpose has gradually bee qualitative change. "Star Dream" Perhaps many people have done, the work often have some people with a bit of behavior popular work, which had a star addiction. For this purpose, with the help of the program is also more and more guests of speculation. Many guests want to go beyond the secular vision of speech to win more opportunities for their own appearance, thereby enhancing the visibility. Such as being friends dubbed the "gold worship" of Mano is one of them. She had shouted in the program, "would rather sit in the BMW car cry, do not want to sit on the bike laughing," Ray's quotations. Although this phenomenon makes the program ratings increased, but lost the original intention of the program, but also reduces the program's own taste.

As a stall program, we regard it as leisure time to relax the entertainment of the "spice" is also OK, if you really find it as the other half of the important support is really unrealistic. The phenomenon of domestic blind date flooding SARFT has taken steps to issue a number of prohibitions, but there are still many programs on the wind. One can imagine, which is hidden behind the ratings of the economic benefits can not be underestimated as a huge impetus.

As a leader in the program of blind date, "You Are the One" is the trend of the future, let the show, hype, vulgar as a popular, or focus on improving program taste, to create excellent variety show, we can not expect. But as the audience, we hope that this program should improve the degree of standardization, not only sharp bit out of the guests remarks and fashion avant-garde appearance to attract the audience's eye, its unique content is indispensable program. But in general, "blind date or to return to human nature, feelings, should not promote too many negative things." "We look forward to" You Are the One "transformation.


